
I am so excited about this challenge!!!

Last month, my CFTC Lean Turkey Challengers kicked major butt before Thanksgiving, but I wanted the rest of you fine folk to have the opportunity to participate in a challenge, too!

There won’t be any food log submission or grading this go around, but I’ve got SIX WEEKS of goodness planned out for you!

NOTE: If you’d like for me to review your food journal, email me and we can talk $$.

So, who is this challenge for?

ANYONE wanting:

  • to adapt a healthier lifestyle
  • a jumpstart after the holidays
  • to fine tune their nutrition for the CrossFit Open

Can all levels of experience participate? YES!

If you are completely brand new to the whole foods lifestyle or have ridden the nutrition challenge merri-go-round a few times, no matter the level of experience, this accountability challenge is for you!

Sign up to get your challenge guide, DOWNLOAD + SAVE IT plus the awesome Challenge Calendar so you will be ready to go for January 4th and know exactly what to expect over the 6 weeks!

I can’t wait for this community to grow + support one another throughout this challenge, so be sure to join our #NandNtribe Facebook Group, too!

I will be sending out weekly emails to the challengers only, so if you are thinking about joining in on the fun, SIGN UP so you definitely won’t miss out!

PLUS if you are local, I have some fun things planned for you!

is to make 2016 your best year yet by…

  • trying something new + challenging,
  • releasing old habits + negative mindsets,
  • conquering fears + crushing PRs,
  • removing the excess + focusing on the essential,
  • learning to love yourself perfectly as you are.

Sound good to you?

Then let’s do this thang.


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Once you sign up, let us know you are IN… by doing these three things:

  • SHARE the image below on your social media accounts!
  • TAG us @nourishandnamaste and use the hashtags #NandNtribe and #NandNchallenge!
  • TAG 3 friends who you want to help keep you accountable on the #NandNchallenge!




new year challenge calendar

I don’t know about you, but I’ve got the feeling 2016 is going to be EPIC.